The June Solstice of 2015

Written by Sherrie Locke on 4 Tzi and 5 Batz, June 2015.


Happy Solstice!

Welcome to the first Solstice of 2015. We welcome the element of Fire into the Northern hemisphere and the element of Earth in the Southern hemisphere.

The exact time of the Suns entry into Cancer (in western astrology) marks the Solstice which occurs at 12:38 PM on the US East coast, 9:38 AM on the Pacific coast of the US, 16:39 GMT (UT). It’s also Father’s Day in the US. Rather appropriate since we have been in a cycle of processing Male/Father issues for a while now.

This Solstice occurs on 6 Road on the calendar Maya in a Deer trecena (13 day cycle) which is very powerful in itself.

This entry into Cancer will feel like a ‘slingshot effect’ for many, we are moving from a time of focusing and cleaning up our intentions and setting trajectory to a time of full on action. As soon as the Fire element hits its entry point it will set us on a course of Right ACTION. If you are reading this blog you are with us on the cutting edge of the 5D shift.

Many of you still have people in your circles that are clearly embedded in the density of the 3D, this can be uncomfortable at minimum and if you are resonating at a higher frequency it can make these relationships uncomfortable to deal with. Take a deep breath and remember you are only responsible for your own actions.

This entry into Cancer will clearly show where changes must occur and could be stressful if you are resistant to change in general. Comfortable or not, the time is now. Keep your trajectory on point to your goal and prime directive. Distractions abound and 3D’ers can prove to be maddening to interact with and definitely (if we allow it) pull our energies down. Just remember, you have a choice in all of this to interact or pass.

The Sacred Holidays and how they work for us…

There are four sacred holidays each year that mark the change of elements or seasons. The progression of the elements shift the energy into a completely different flow every three months, thus four seasons, four elements, AIR, FIRE, WATER and EARTH.

Since it is Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, North and South, the energies are very different.

Here’s a rundown of how this works. I will first base it on the Northern Hemisphere since that is where I am (geographically) at this point.

Entry into Aries, Spring Equinox. Element of AIR. The time of Right INTENTION. Air element relates to our thinking/thoughts/intentions.

Entry into Cancer, Summer Solstice. Element of FIRE. The time of Right ACTION. Fire element relates to movement.

Entry into Libra, Autumnal Equinox, Element of WATER, the time of right EMOTIONS. Water element relates to our feelings and emotions.

and finally…

Entry into Capricorn, Winter Solstice, Element of EARTH, the time of Right RECEIVING. Earth element relates to receiving and manifestation of the energies we have been focused on in the previous three elements.

It works like this in the Southern hemisphere…

The Autumnal Equinox occurs at the exact same time as the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere. Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere is the exact same time as the Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere. So you see how certain things must be adjusted in regard to your location, so you are able to optimize the energy wherever you are on the globe at any time.

One can utilize this energy for international travel and it has business applications as well. If you are an international business person this can benefit you greatly. To be conscious of how this works puts you 10 steps ahead in the game. *Always a good thing.

Within these elemental cycles there are three phases (and also three months)…

1. Entry into the element
2. Full energy of the element
3. Preparation for the next element

To master and optimize these energies gives you a huge heads up as to timing. If you have other questions about how this works or are interested in business consultation let me know, I have been using this for years.

To sum up the energies we are about to shift into let me say that this is a time to either take Action toward your dreams (Northern hemisphere) or to open your arms to Receive (Southern hemisphere) what you have made manifest in this last gestation period. Either way, have fun with it, stay out of drama and distractions, believe in yourself and your dreams. Be a blessing in your own life and the lives of others or cease the activity all together and reboot, the choice is yours.

I wish for all of you that your greatest dreams and blessings be made manifest and your consciousness expand beyond all measure.

May this Solstice be a turning point in your life to achieve your greatest mastery.
S.L. 2015

The March 20th New Super Moon, Solar Eclipse and Equinox

Written by Sherrie Locke on 9 Batz and 10 Road, March 2015

Total Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox 2015Bam! After the three-year, seven-hit, Pluto Uranus Square has completed, we get a brand new Super Moon ripe with a Solar Eclipse (they always occur on a New Moon) and the four precious minutes of the Equinox. It’s the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere, the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern hemisphere.

Change, change, change, and now you have the green light to move forward in a big way with your dreams and visions. You even get to consider moving forward in significant relationships of all types be they personal, business or family.

After the last three years (since June 24th 2012) showing us what changes have needed to occur, and the Uranus lightening bolts bringing the unknown to light, we can lick our wounds, pick up the remaining pieces and get on with life. In a big way.

There will still be adjustments to be made through June until the Solstice. After that, we are coasting (or reeling) in the momentum we have gathered from this slingshot effect.

Go back and evaluate what has happened since late June 2012. What have you learned about yourself? (keep it POSITIVE!) What have you learned about others? (since they are a reflection of your own inner world). How have your relationships shifted? What relationships have strengthened and in what ways? Who vanished from your life? Radical isn’t it?

Let’s get on with the new paradigm! Manifest, manifest, manifest! HELP one another! Be HAPPY! Be LOVE!

Time and Dates of the Eclipses and Equinox

After the last (exact) Pluto Uranus Square on Monday March 16, 2015 at 9:54 PM in Texas, which is also 13 Eagle on the Maya calendar (powerful day all the way around) we will be in the balsamic lunar phase until the March 20th New Super Moon (with a Solar Eclipse), which begins at 29 degrees Pisces. This occurs at 4:36 AM in Texas, 5:36 AM on the East Coast of the US and 2:36 AM on the West Coast. Then the Sun moves into the zodiacal sign of Aries, the beginning of the zodiac in Western Tropical House Astrology.

Equinox exact (the four minutes of balance on a planetary level) occurs at 5:45 PM Texas time, 6:45 PM on the East Coast and 3:45 PM on the West Coast, commencing at the exact time the Sun moves into Aries. Good time to meditate and be still. So you see, this is pretty much an all day event that begins with a Solar Eclipse and ends with the Solar entry into a new element. For those of us in the northern hemisphere we are moving into the element of Air; those in the southern hemisphere are moving into the element of Water.

The total Solar Eclipse (visible in Northern Africa, Europe and the Western part of Asia) is at 29 degrees Pisces 29 minutes. It’s a Total Solar Eclipse in Svalbard Norway and the Faroe Islands, and a Partial Solar Eclipse in Europe, northern and eastern Asia and northern and western Africa. The eclipse starts at 07:41 UTC and ends at 11:50 UTC. This Solar Eclipse will trigger a cycle that will reverberate for about a year or so, with more changes coming. Pay attention to the themes that surface, as they will give you a clue about the year to come.

Be diligent, be cheerful and give thanks you have made it through this three-year portal of radical transformation. Now put it to work for your best interest and the highest good of all.

Change is good,

~S.L. 2015

The Upcoming New Moon and Change of Elements

Written by Sherrie Locke on 4 Qanil, December 2014.

Here we are at the last New Moon of 2014. This last New Moon of the year occurs during the Solstice. We are entering the element of Earth in the Northern hemisphere, so it is Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. In the Southern hemisphere you are entering the element of Fire, the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Apex points.


When we approach the apex point or Solstices or any of the four sacred holidays, we are asked to review our progress in this last elemental energy. This one is a little bit different, since it is the last one of the year. We are asked to review the entire year and particularly the last nine-month period, from the beginning of this Zodiacal round. What have you discovered about yourself? How have you made adjustments to achieve your goals? Have you found your focus to be worthy of your time and energy? How have the relationships in your life supported what you are doing?

If you will be still and allow it to happen, the last couple of days of this cycle will bring you further information. Those of us in the Northern hemisphere we are coming to the end of the element of Water. What have you learned about your emotions? What have you seen in others during this cycle? Choose ye well what you spend your time and attention on, for this is the creation of your future. Were you happy? Were you in alignment with your intentions?

Have you made progress? You will see these results over the next three months. If you are happy with the results, then stay the course. If you are not happy with the results, then more change may be in order. Do not fear or be apprehensive, after all, you are the creator of your own reality. You have done all this for a purpose, the purpose of showing you the results of your thinking and the balance (or lack thereof) of your intent and emotions regarding your current goal.

If you have had a successful run during this last elemental journey, then stop and give thanks for all you have received in this cycle. The next one is sure to show you miracles and forward progress in your manifestations. Be diligent!

Technical Information about the Winter Solstice

The exact time of the Solstice is the moment when the Sun enters Capricorn (in Western Astrology), thus the New Moon in Capricorn, which occurs at 6:03 PM on the East Coast of the US, 3:03 PM on the West Coast, December 21, 2014. We will be celebrating here in Texas and in Guatemala at 5:03 PM. Traditionally the feasts are held after the change of elements. Winter Solstice is traditionally called Yule. Happy Yule Tide everyone! The season officially begins!

~SL, 2014

The Upcoming Full Moon of December 2014

Written by Sherrie Locke on 2 Aj, December 2014.

The December Full Moon is historically a time to reflect and review the year that is completing. It is the last Full Moon before the change of elements with the Solstice on December 21 (December 22 for some of you). I will post an article for that event in the next week or so.


Effects of the Full Moon
Remember, the Full Moon breaks impasse, so if you are in any kind of stalemate or a period of indecision, use this Full Moon energy to clear the blockage and get on with things. I have noticed recently, that if people have been “on the fence” about certain things, be it a relationship or career matter, the Universe has served up a change for them.

That is to say that rather than changing that job at an unhealthy work place, a letter of termination was the result, thus time to make a change whether you think you are ready or not. If a relationship has been going nowhere or is not viable, it’s likely that something has happened to bring it to an end, sometimes rather dramatically, be it a business association or a personal relationship. Better to be the one in charge of your life than others dictating that change.

The last Full Moon in any element has a certain energy attached to it. We have three Full Moons in each elemental round (occasionally there is a small variance,). For us in the Northern hemisphere we are ending the element of Water, which rules our emotions, so that will be the theme at this time. For those of you in the Southern hemisphere you are ending the element of Air, which has brought about a change in your thinking or intentions, so pay attention to what comes up and how you have changed or need to make further changes, since we want (ideally) to move into the next element with as little baggage as possible, thus we will have further progress during this next element.

It’s ok if you do not yet know exactly what you want or need to do at this time. Reflect on what you have cleared out and how much room you have made for your new path to emerge.

Happy Full Moon Everyone!
~SL, 2014

Powerful Transformational Eclipse Coming October 23, 2014

Written by Sherrie Locke on 1 Ajpu and 8 Kej, October 2014.

This week will be intense courtesy of the overlapping energies, with a solar eclipse on top.

Blog photo-2

The past weekend was grounding and a bit less intense than the previous weeks since the Equinox. Rather like the calm before the next eclipse. The obvious theme…how can you bring more harmony into your life?

Lots of things are moving. The Pluto/Uranus square is still intensely active, internal battles are being fought, even though we may not know yet “why” or in what context all this will all play out. Do not assume you know how all this will manifest just yet. Life changing events are happening.

The overall theme with the 2-1/2 year transit (know your relationships and your own motivations) is coming into the last six-month run, and we will have a much clearer view by late April to early May of 2015, so be patient and observe. What do you understand about yourself that was hidden from your view two years ago? How have your relationships shifted? Really exciting relationship stuff coming both in your personal life and in business. *Positive Mojo.

Solar eclipses always occur on the new moon. This coming lunar phase kicks off the Scorpionic energies, so there will be further plumbing of the depths as three planets move into Scorpio on the day of the partial solar eclipse. The eclipse occurs at zero degrees Scorpio (in Western astrology) 15 minutes, which translates to 5:57 PM for the East coast of the US, 2:57 PM Pacific time, and at 4:57PM for us here in Guatemala. Visible here and many other parts of North America. Here’s a link…

Solar Eclipse October 2014

Be sure to brush up on how to view a solar eclipse (this one is a partial). I have welding goggles, which are perfect. You can look up the water technique on the Internet. Don’t try to look at it directly (sometimes this surprises me that I need to remind people of this).

Remember, The lunar eclipse changes us INternally. It has been all about inner shifting and transformation. Look back at the last two weeks or back to the last Equinox. What is shifting? What has shifted? Read my previous 70 posts on related subjects.

Now for the coup de grâce, a super powerful partial solar eclipse.

Remember, The solar eclipse changes the EXternal and the way we are perceived in the world. Time to out your new found self to the world! Hope that works out well for all of us.

At the time I am posting this article we are in the balsamic phase of the moon, still letting go of what no longer serves us. Let it GO! Don’t worry! If you let go of something that is meant to be, it will clear the current existing energy pattern and the reconnection will be cleaner and stronger. So if you have anything pending, finish it once and for all so you can get with the new energies. Let me know if you would like me to write an article on this subject.

Also remember, in the Northern Hemisphere we are in the overall element of WATER (Air for those of you down south of the equator), which will shift to EARTH element on the Solstice in December (FIRE for those of you in the southern regions). This is relevant to the current eclipse cycle.

Recap of the Current Cycle

On September 22/23, 2014 (read my Mabon article), we changed elements with the Equinox. A day later on the 24th of September we had a very powerful new moon. Mercury went retrograde on October 4th, followed by a powerful Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th. Enter the “wormhole” or what we like to call the “sideways elevator.” This is where we are now. Thursday is the partial solar eclipse, and the sun enters Scorpio (in Western astrology) at zero degrees Scorpio 15 minutes, which will make the next two weeks or so interesting and guaranteed to be life changing. Choose ye well!

Zip, Boom, Bang! Transformation Station!

Breathe deeply and open your heart, be fearless and present.


~SL, 2014

Note to my readers: I have been traveling and also spending focused time on the current energies and transformation. I will get back to my regular Monday and Thursday posts soon.

Mitakuye Oyasin!

Here Comes the Eclipse Cycle

Written by Sherrie Locke on 8 Jaguar, October 2014.

We have already entered the last Mercury Retrograde cycle of 2014 and are gearing up for the second half of the annual eclipse cycle. The Full Moon in Aries (in Western astrology) kicks it off with a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8th for most of the globe.

Blood moon eclipse

Just before this eclipse cycle, Mercury, the planet of communications and connections, went retro last Saturday on October 4. This year the eclipse cycle may seem a bit more intense due to the planetary overlying energies and the squeeze to let go of what no longer serves us, to let go of what is not us.

Many years ago, one of my original teachers said, “Eclipses are like light a switch: on, off, on, off. If you track them (for years) you will see how this plays out in your life.” Eclipses change us. The lunar eclipse changes the way we feel internally, the solar eclipses change the way the world sees us. So the first eclipse is all about the IN-ternal, the second (solar eclipse) in this cycle rearranges things EX-ternally and changes people’s perceptions of us.

Sometimes there are variances, like three eclipses in a row (over 6 weeks). This eclipse cycle is not like that, but it doesn’t make it any less intense. It’s rather a blessing that Mercury will retro back into Libra (in Western astrology) for the event, which will make it a bit easier than the eclipse cycle occurring during Mercury retro in Scorpio! Whew. There will, however, be ‘tips’ to and fro as the scales of Libra attempt to balance. This will manifest in the communication/expression parts of our lives. Better to say nothing than to come off as a dictator. Watch your words.

It really is a time to sit in your core. I have been feeling this for a bit. Meditation is key (read my previous post). Meditation makes the intense energy much easier to deal with.

If you have, or are dealing with a health issue, certain symptoms may come up from last December/January. This can be a turning point, so make it a good one. Also, sometimes things break, get broken (beyond repair) or lost (permanently) during cycles like these. So if any of that is happening to you, or does happen during this cycle, just remind yourself, it’s time for something new, an upgrade perhaps.

We had two T-squares today (Monday, October 6) to deal with as we head into a highly pressurized Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday which will be visible in most of North and South America and Asia. You may feel squeezed during these next few days. Remain calm, it’s your choice ‘how’ you will deal with it. Stay out of criticism all the way around, meaning no criticizing yourself or others.

This eclipse is a ‘once in a lifetime’ event (with all these planetary ‘condiments’) we have had nothing like this for 84 years and it won’t repeat for us again in this lifetime.

Make it a good one, transformation is good! As we say here, learn to surf.

Blessings and hang in there!
~SL, 2014

September Equinox 2014. Happy Mabon!

Written by Sherrie Locke on 6 Kawoq, September 2014

Here we are at the September Equinox of 2014. In a few hours we will be moving into the third sacred holiday of 2014, Mabon.


Mabon was a Welsh deity whose holiday is a celebrated event in most Wicca and Pagan structures and is well known as one of the four sacred holidays: Air, Fire, Water, Earth (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter).

Mabon is the harvest, the third sacred holiday. Equinox celebrations are much older than any recorded tradition, much older than anything they had a name for. Sites built to mark and celebrate this event are still being found around the world.

The Equinox divides the day and night equally with a “balance point” of four minutes on the entry into Libra (and also upon the entry into Aries). In the Northern Hemisphere we are moving from the element of Fire into the element of Water. Those in the Southern hemisphere are moving from the element of Earth into the element of Air for the next three months. So take advantage of this energy. What we experience this week will reverberate through this entire season.

If you are awake for the event which occurs at 10:29 PM on the East coast of the United States or 7:29 PM on the West coast and the middle of the night for a large portion of the world, relax for a few minutes before the event, clear your mind and ALLOW the energy of perfect balance and harmony to come over and into you and up from inside of you. We on this planet receive the blessing of four minutes of harmonic balance twice a year, Spring and Autumnal Equinox. 4 + 4 = 1 Infinity symbol or the number 8. See the beauty in this?

In indigenous cultures, the equinoxes and solstices are always known and celebrated. I am a stickler on the subject and prefer to do ceremony/ritual at the EXACT time of the event or not at all. I have noticed over the last few years, many people, including “respected” shamans and elders, tweak the time to make these ceremonies more convenient. Well for me, that is just not acceptable. You can’t have an equinox ceremony the day before or the day (or even two days) after. Might as well just call it a “get together” and leave it at that, for that is what it is.

Feasts are usual fare on sacred holidays. The feast is usually consumed after the event/ceremony. The feast is to celebrate the new energies. Clearing and fasting are more appropriate for before the event.

You can do your own research on Mabon ceremonies and offertory items. I will say, if you stick to a harvest motif you are in the right range.

Read more about Mabon.

Enjoy your four minutes of balance! Enjoy your feast for the Equinox on Tuesday!

Blessed Be on this Equinox and beyond! See you in the next element!

~SL 2014

The Coming Equinox and Change of Elements

Written by Sherrie Locke on 2 Tzi’kin, September 2014.

As I sit here contemplating the upcoming change of element and entry into the Sun sign Libra in Western astrology, I can’t help but look at all the changes and, in many cases, discomfort the culmination of this cycle has brought forth. Many longstanding relationships have ended. The ones that have survived are being radially revamped. Family dynamics abound, be it in the same house, on another continent or in our heads.

awesome image

This is processing folks, in all its glory. And as I have been continually stating, let go of what no longer serves you. Sometimes the things we need to let go of the most are the hardest to stop, like worrying.

The energies of this time are amplified by the Pluto station. This will all start to shift in the next week or so as the great change maker Pluto starts to move forward again, however so slowly…it is still forward progress.

The Week of the Fall Equinox

So here’s the rundown for the upcoming week…

From the exact time of the equinox change of elements, we will have approximately 26 hours to adjust to the new energy (during which time Pluto does its forward thing) before the New Moon occurs at 1 degree Libra 8 minutes. This equates to 10:29 PM EST, 7:29 PM PST, or 8:29 PM for us here in Guatemala. Remember, the equinox is a four-minute event, so try to sit still in meditation for the entry of the new element. I usually have a feast after the equinox, so for me the feast will be on Tuesday. On the heels of the elemental shift that occurs on a late fourth quarter lunar phase, we will experience Pluto going direct. Pluto goes direct on Monday at 8:36 PM EST, right before the Equinox event, but we won’t feel it immediately since Pluto moves so S L O W L Y. But we will certainly feel it over the following few days.

Next Tuesday night (September 23): Wednesday morning for some people. At 2:14 AM EST the Moon moves into Libra (in Western astrology) and grants us a NEW MOON. The time of the New Moon on the West Coast is 11:14 PM, just after midnight for us here in Guatemala. Fasten your seat belts for this one. So when we awaken on Wednesday, we will be in store for some markedly different energies wherever you are on the globe.

The End of the Elemental Cycle

When we reach the end of an elemental cycle and it occurs on a fourth quarter lunar phase, we have what might be considered a double “letting go cycle.” What came up to be processed and let go from this last lunar phase? Also, what was the theme of this last elemental cycle (three months) in your life?

It doesn’t do any good to put up walls or draw another line in the sand. This energy is to dispel that line and EXPAND. This can be a good time of bringing a chapter to a close, to put a lingering health issue to rest, to stop for a bit and take a deep breath. It is a good time to make space for something new, be it getting rid of old unused things, getting out of a challenging relationship, or separating from a difficult business partner.

When we really do let go, not just a show of effort but really let go and make space, that space can be filled very quickly with what we DO want. We must stop focusing on the bitter lemon and what we do not want. This can be tricky, since there’s been a lot of that showing up to get us to recognize “what” needs to shift. I feel that most of us are clear on that point by now.

Keep working on your health and wellbeing. Above all — this is important: whether you are seeing current results or not, don’t give up on you! If you are really doing this, you will have little time to micromanage the events of your life and certainly will have no time to attempt the micromanagement of others’ lives. If you want to do something for someone, try being nice or offering assistance of some kind. Sometimes it might be as simple as taking out the trash. Do what you need to do and step back and look at the bigger picture. Is your trajectory aimed at where you want to go? This question is super-important at this juncture.

What do you want for yourself and how does that affect others, the world? If it’s good for you, for everyone concerned and everything on the planet, then you are on the right track. You gotta start somewhere, so begin with you.

This next New Moon is very powerful, even though it does not culminate with a Super Moon as the last three lunar phases have. So you see, in a way, we have had a triple ramp up in this last elemental cycle, and the forward progress we are afforded at this coming new moon is exceptional. Make the best of it!

Stay tuned in, turned on and passionate about your goals. The time to get going is at hand.

For information about Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox, see this link: Fall Equinox.

~SL, 2014

In Between Shift Points

Written by Sherrie Locke on 9 Toj, September 2014.

Don’t let weird or unpredictable things get to you!

This is a time of getting real, not in the eyes of others, but in your own life.


Just getting yourself going can be challenging. By week’s end, things will tend to lighten up and you will see how to move forward. The only thing holding you back is your perception, your thinking: perceived things. This is a time to further recognize and clear these self-impediments. The theme continues…. let go.

Get rid of things. Give them away or find a way to sell them. If you haven’t worn something in a year or two and it is not something “special’ or vintage, give it away or donate it.

You feel like you need to push, but push what? Yourself? No. The Universe? No. If you must push something, push the limits of your thinking, remove the ceiling, let go of control and see where your wildest dreams take you. You might discover something that really is a heart-desired goal worthy of your time, attention and effort. It does not work the other way around. Faith will be tested. It’s the faith in yourself that I am referring to.

The Next Shift Point: The Fall Equinox
Soon we are coming to yet another shift point. The elemental seasonal shift point called the Equinox. From the element of Fire to the element of Water for us Northern folks, a shift from the element of Earth to the element of Air for you Southern folks below the equator. I will write on this in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

Back to the energies at hand (or in your head). Be diligent in watching your thought patterns. Monitor “how” they make you feel. If it feels good, keep it up. If you feel stress or nausea, do “anything” else to pull yourself from the pit of fear or apprehension. If you enjoy cooking, do that; a craft, do that. Go for a walk, just sit down for a change or stand up if you have been sitting too long, just do something different, drink lots of water, breathe.

Be conscious of your breathing, connect with the water you are drinking or bathing in. Go out and look up. What does the sky look like today?

What has been rolling around again and again in your head? Therein lies a clue. Get off the bone. Give yourself a break and dream big for a change. You might end up finding out something about yourself and your wildest dreams.

Dream big and hang in there!

~SL, 2014

“When you truly want something, the entire Universe conspires to help you achieve it.” – Author Unknown

The Celestial Gates: Portals of Ascension and Descent

Written by Sherrie Locke on 7 Imox, August 2014

I wrote about the Lion’s Gate portal a few days ago. Now I will discuss the basis of celestial stargates and portals, which comes from Greek and Vedic yuga astrology. I find it likely that this knowledge came from Egypt, but may have originated in Atlantis.

The Silver Gate and the Golden Gate

Greek astrologers spoke of two gates in the heavens: the Silver Gate and the Golden Gate, which were called the Gate of Man and the Gate of God in Vedic astrology. Many ancient cultures believed that between incarnations on this planet, souls dwelled in the Milky Way.
The Greek writer Macrobius, among others, said that during a solstice (the alignment of the Sun with the ecliptic), the corresponding gate opens. Souls could incarnate on Earth by descending through the Silver Gate, or could ascend to the heavens through the Golden Gate

Celestial Stargates the silver gate and golden gate

These gates are located at opposite sides of the galactic equator, where the Milky Way crosses the ecliptic. The Golden Gate is at 5° Gemini, near galactic center in Sagittarius. The Silver Gate is at galactic anti-center: 5° Sagittarius, above the hand of Orion. In ancient times, the Maya focused on galactic center, which they called Heart of Sky. On the other side of the planet, the Egyptians kept a close eye on Orion.

The Silver and Golden Gates are at opposite ends of a straight line that Vedic Yuga astrology calls the chakra of the galaxy, with the root chakra at galactic center and the crown chakra at anti-galactic center. These celestial gates form the basis of other alignments referred to as stargates or portals, which are not quite the same thing.

I will go into detail on celestial stargates such as the Lion’s Gate, Sphinx Gate and the upcoming 11-11 stargate, as well as portals, in a future post.

Happy travels to other dimensions! Happy Transcendence!

S.L. 2014